A cure for cancer and all diseases and its suppression – The story of a genius Royal Raymond Rife

I decided to include this piece in our blog because the information is important for us all to see what world we have allowed to be created. We are seeing more and more truths unfolding where history will have to be rewritten. We of course cannot blame all the people for controlling this world as we have to take some proportion of blame for allowing injustices and control to continue but there are many aspects which are just outrageous and even murderous and this following story fits into that category – for all the people that have passed from a….

A Message from White Arrow and Ann Walker – ‘The Light Within’

In 2001 we were introduced to Ann Walker through her Spiritualist Church in Hillingdon Middlesex. England. Little did we know then what we would be getting into and who we would be working for. It is our utmost pleasure to have worked for the duality of Ann Walker and White Arrow, Ann Walker passed in 2004. Ann Walker fought for over thirty years to bring the leaders and the peoples attention to saving the forests for she knew that without these trees around the equator we would have much to deal with in regards to earth changes. There is so….

Positive Quotes – Enjoy and live your dream

Positive Quotes Enjoy On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow. Friedrich Nietzsche Use your talent (everybody has one) in anyway you can. Don’t keep it for yourself like a miser – spend it like a millionaire! Lucy MacDonald The following quotes are a attributed to Albert Einstein; “Only a life lived for others is a life worth while.” “The only real valuable thing is intuition.” “If you can’t explain it….

The Astrology of 2012 by Helen Sewell and an intro from us

I have decided to add Helen Sewell to my Blog as she seems to have a good  understanding of astrology, Helen’s web site is www.astrologicalinsights.co.uk. Here Helen talks about the approaching New Age of Aquarius, 2012 and what changes are in store for us at this time. I have added a short piece of my own before you get to Helen. The average person on the planet has been conditioned to believe that astrology is mumbo jumbo and that, which has no bearing on us mere mortals on this round sphere called Earth. The newspapers in the west print a….

Be A Vegetarian and Help Animals and Combat Climate Change

This information comes courtesy of Doctor Art-Ong Jumasai Na Ayudhya –  Director of the Institute of Sathya Sai Education, Thailand Chief Administrator of the Sathya Sai School, Thailand.  Official Trainer of Teachers for the Ministry of Education in Human Values Education. A former memeber of the Thai Parliament and former NASA scientist. He is also a vegetarian.  For details please see his blog – http://ssgi-biografi.blogspot.com/2008/04/dr-art-ong-jumsai-na-ayudhya.html The following talk is by Dr Art-Ong Jumasai Na Ayudhya,  On why humans are not meat eaters Vegetarianism is the right way You can see very famous people in the past who were vegetarians Sir….

Balance of Female Energy

Balance of Female Energy Energies must be brought back into balance, there is little respect for the female energies. In my home of Native America women had their place just as man had his but we respected women. Many white men raped our women and men still continue to rape women around the world today, just like the Earth is being raped. Man must accept women as equal, without women there is no man and without man there is no woman. Each time you come to this Earth you change many times from man to woman and woman to man,….

Healing thy self writings by Dr. Akilah El and Marilyn Gordon

Writings by Dr. Akilah El and Marilyn Gordon Many of us hold on to negativity because we believe that the other person that caused us pain, anger, hatred, guilt, sadness, fear, and resentment is affected by our experience. When people hurt us we want to hurt them back. We want them to experience our pain, so we hold on to the negative experience. Holding on to these negative experiences is the KEY reason why we are bonded to the situation we want to escape. When we encounter a similar situation the subconscious mind shifts the memory that is stored from….