Posted on Sunday, May 30th, 2021 at 10:47

Ann Walker and White Arrow stated in their report of 1992 that informed sources were aware of a ’tilt’ in the axis of rotation of the Earth which is “an indication that the geothermally induced density changes beneath the Earth’s crust are already taking place.”

Now in April 2021, news media reported that climate change had shifted the Earth’s axis – see The Guardian’s article and USA Today. Even in 2016, Futurism reported the same situation. Each study showed that the massive melting of glaciers caused by climate change had caused marked shifts in Earth’s axis of rotation since the 1990s. While the movement of the North Pole is common, it had moved 17 times faster from 1995 to 2020 than from 1981 to 1995.

The change to Earth’s axial tilt has been caused by melting glaciers which have affected the density of the internal structure of the Earth. But what has caused the glaciers to melt? Excessive levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere coupled with pollution and widespread deforestation in the tropical regions, have altered the wind patterns and trapped heat within our fragile biosphere. This has led to glacier melting with fresh water flowing into ocean currents.

Yet as Earth tries to maintain an equilibrium, politicians fight over their ‘natural resources’, offering them for sale to the highest bidder or using high rates of deforestation as leverage for billions of dollars from richer nations who are seeking to correct the imbalance in our environment by setting ambitious climate goals.

Must our future be decided by how valuable ‘natural resources’ are? Politicians were trusted to follow the best advice and make tough decisions for their people, their country and the Earth but the lack of action by any government since Ann and White Arrow informed the United Nations many years ago, is disappointing. Change is inevitable and something which we can normally direct going forward – but we have lost control of ourselves and allowed our civilisation to rampage across the planet, bowing to the financial power from big corporations.

We do not have time on our side.

Reference Study: Polar Drift in the 1990s Explained by Terrestrial Water Storage Changes (published 22nd March 2021)

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