Crop Circle in 2009 Predicts Object in our Solar System June 1st 2011

  Milk Hill of June 2009 seems to predict a new, bright astronomical object in our solar system, possibly a comet or even an “extra planet”, on the new Moon of June 1, 2011 Source Over slightly more than a week in June of 2009, a large new crop picture appeared at Milk Hill in southern England in three separate phases (see milkhill2009c or or lucypringle). Almost two years later now in April of 2011, still no one seems to understand what they were trying to tell us there! While we were studying several crop pictures which may predict an enigmatic….

EU herb ban technically starts today! Please sign the petition

EU herb ban technically starts today! Today is the day that the European Union’s regulatory noose on herbal products is pulled tight.  The result?  Thousands of herbal products technically become illegal, simply because they cannot negotiate the regulatory minefield built by the EU over the last 10 or so years.  The full implementation of the EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD) today represents the most recently placed piece of this complex jigsaw that will impact the majority of the most useful and effective herbal products on the EU market.  This includes the majority of herbal products associated with very….