Please act now to Save Our British Forests ( Now Closed. Well done to all the people Common Sense Prevailed)

Campaign Action: Save Our British Forests The British Government has signaled their intent to sell 150,000 hectares of woodland looked after by the Forestry Commission in order to reduce the economic deficit. They are perpetrating an environmental crime by selling natural resources while lecturing other countries. The Forestry Commission manage 1.85 million acres of woodland and around a third would be sold to be potentially turned into amusement parks, sold off to developers for ‘affordable’ housing, sold to large landowners or large corporations. If the land was sold at present market price, it would raise £250m (despite the UK Government….

please help PETA stop cruel animal testing and murder at University of Texas.

Just a quick update on this campaign, as soon as the details of this campaign was announced thousands of caring individuals inundated the Facebook page of the  University of Texas and commented on this cruelty only to find all our comments deleted and we were then subsequently banned from adding anything else to the page, we informed PETA of this and now they have set up an email so you can send the University a message this way. The link is below, we are still urging people to post a msg  on their Facebook page as well as the email,….

Use Nature to Cool your Home

Many years ago, we came up with an idea to keep our house cool in Summer that used Nature instead of expensive, electricity consuming air conditioners. We have five cats and since several of them are indoor cats, we could not leave our windows or doors open in the searing heat, so we came up with an idea that meant we could leave the windows or doors open while keeping everyone secure – the result was a grate made from inexpensive materials that fit the purpose, and we want to share it to help all of you in flats and….

Help Pets suffering from Obscene Cruelty at Sun Pets – Please Act Now

I did not watch the video, I could not bring myself to do that so if you do not want to watch the video please just send an email to the district attorney of Fulton County GA who will not investigate the cruelty being carried out on these poor animals. We need to shout as loud as we can to ensure this company is closed down, please take a minute to add your own personal comments at the front of the email. Thank You Guys. As you may recall, video footage obtained in a PETA undercover investigation earlier this year….

Chemtrails and Sylphs

I’ve been meaning to write this for some time but it was only two weeks ago that I downloaded the photos from my phone. Back in March/April 2010, I took some photos at work around 7am as I noticed chemtrails in the sky and they showed something very interesting. First in March 2010, I noticed the following: Nothing unusual as we have all been seeing these over the past few years – parallel chemtrails. Despite a concerted effort by us all, Governments have denied that they exist and that they are in fact contrails. However, lets look at the next….

Still spraying chemtrails – thought there was a recession

We posted when a change of government took place in the UK that there were no chemtrails since the conservatives and liberals took over…well it seems that, that was just a settling in period and we were hoping with the so called ‘recession’ that the government would not be able to continue with the spraying on two grounds, one a moral, the other financial …seems that this government along with the last one does not have a moral issue with spraying the people and on a financial level..they seem to have reserved enough coffers to pay for these planes to….

URGENT ACTION – Help Save Japans Dolphins

End the Brutal Killing of More Than 20,000 Dolphins Every Year in Japan In The Cove, a team of activists and filmmakers infiltrate a heavily-guarded cove in Taiji, Japan. In this remote village they witness and document activities deliberately being hidden from the public: More than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises are being slaughtered each year and their meat, containing toxic levels of mercury, is being sold as food in Japan, often times labeled as whale meat. The majority of the world is not aware this is happening. The Taiji cove is blocked off from the public. Cameras are not allowed….

Please sign the petition and tell Obama that you will not allow whale hunting to resume

Warning – Graphic scenes at the bottom of this page so if you don’t want to see what cruelty whale hunting entails please just follow the links for the petition. If you haven’t signed this petition please get involved ASAP. America, Norway, Japan and Iceland, Denmark, Germany will all be deciding on a vote to resume whaling, we cannot let this happen so we urge all of you to read below and sign the petition and any other petition that requires your voice to help animals, the sees and the earth. We must remember we are all one and we….

Jewish Voice For Peace in The Middle East – Please read and add your voice

Jewish Voice for Peace are a group of people who are working together to bring peace to the Middle East to Jewish, Muslim and Arabic communities and are working with like minded people all over the world both Jewish and non Jewish. We are all brothers and sisters that deserve the right to live in harmony. Who are shouting loudly to the USA and Israeli governments to say no more killing, not in our name. You can visit their website and be part of a growing number of people putting pressure on governments and companies to end the violence.….

Urgent – Please Take Action – Brazil’s Proposed Belo Monte Dam Damns Amazonian Rainforests and Peoples

Action Alert: Brazil’s Proposed Belo Monte Dam Damns Amazonian Rainforests and Peoples The wild and free Xingu River is critical to maintaining intact the Amazon, its peoples, Brazil’s national advancement, and the Earth we share. The Brazilian government continues with plans to build the massive Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu River in the Amazon rainforest, despite intense and growing domestic and international opposition. The 11.2 billion dollar dam will devastate an extensive area of the Amazon rainforest and threaten the survival of tens of thousands of indigenous and traditional peoples who depend on the Xingu River for their livelihoods. It….

2012 Galactic Alignment and what it means to us all.

I am constantly going to add info on this issue as we are ALL entering a new phase of evolution and we need to accept this fact that each and every one of us is changing, our reality is changing and all the things we have been conditioned to believe will be changed forever. So much of our world is in upheaval and this has mainly been due to the fact that the reality we see is not true reality and we as humans are finding it difficult to understand what is going on in the world today and we….

Gilnow Road Trees Saved – Thank you

We did it. Thanks to letters and a petition, we saved the trees in Gilnow Road. Bolton Council were going to remove the trees due to complaints by some residents that the leaves made a mess and that the trees interfered with their satellite reception but common sense has prevailed and the trees are staying much to the delight of the people in Bolton that have fond memories of them when they were growing up. We were contacted about a week ago by a concerned resident up in Bolton Lancashire who saw that we had helped people in the past….

Urgent Action needed – Please note this action is closed and we won the fight thank you Please go to the above link and sign the petition to stop Bolton Council from taking down the trees in Gilnow Road Bolton. Some people have complained that they cannot receive signals on their satellite dishes and there are too many leaves on the ground, what a stupid excuse to take down these wonderful trees which line the road and have been there for generations. We were contacted By a John Howarth who asked for our help. We have given the people campaigning some info on how you can protest and fight to protect the trees, here is the….

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek

I am sure Drunvalo will not mind me typing up the first page of his excellent work with the guidance of  his guide Thoth. This is only to introduce you to his remarkable books ‘The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life‘ Volume One and Two. Again this is an important read for those wishing to relearn what we lost 13,000 years ago, when we had great knowledge and understanding. Graham Hancock who has also done great work uncovering ancient civilisations around the world that existed and were destroyed around the same time, yet he has been ridiculed by the….