A Message from White Arrow and Ann Walker – ‘The Light Within’

In 2001 we were introduced to Ann Walker through her Spiritualist Church in Hillingdon Middlesex. England. Little did we know then what we would be getting into and who we would be working for. It is our utmost pleasure to have worked for the duality of Ann Walker and White Arrow, Ann Walker passed in 2004. Ann Walker fought for over thirty years to bring the leaders and the peoples attention to saving the forests for she knew that without these trees around the equator we would have much to deal with in regards to earth changes. There is so….

2012 Galactic Alignment and what it means to us all.

I am constantly going to add info on this issue as we are ALL entering a new phase of evolution and we need to accept this fact that each and every one of us is changing, our reality is changing and all the things we have been conditioned to believe will be changed forever. So much of our world is in upheaval and this has mainly been due to the fact that the reality we see is not true reality and we as humans are finding it difficult to understand what is going on in the world today and we….

Recommended Books That should be read by humanity

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life volume 1 and 2 – by Drunvalo Melchizedek Synopsis -Vol 1 – Once, all life in the universe knew of the Flower of Life as the creation pattern…the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Then from a very high state of consciousness, we fell into darkness and forgot who we were. Vol 2 –  Drunvalo presents, in text and graphics the Flower of Life workshop, illuminating the mysteries of how we came to be, why the world od the way it is, the subtle energies that allow our….